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Aviation Systems Technology

Aviation Systems Technology Students

Program Overview

大学 of The Albemarle’s (COA) Aviation Systems Technology program, available at COA - Currituck, 107大学之路, 北卡罗来纳州巴可27917, offers the k现在ledge and skills needed to qualify for an Aircraft Mechanic’s Certificate with airframe and powerplant ratings.

Looking for our non-credit courses? Visit our continuing education class schedules.

Do you already hold a Mechanic Certificate with 机身 and PowerPlant Ratings and want to earn your Associate in Applied Science Degree in Aviation Systems Technology? 联系 David Repanshek at 252-453-3035 ext. 8115 or Michelle Waters at 252-335-0821 ext. 2407 to explore your options.


  • Aviation Systems Technology — Associate in Applied Science
  • 机身 Maintenance — Diploma
  • Powerplant Maintenance — Diploma

Student Learning Outcomes

  • 1 -识别, 解释, and troubleshoot 机身 rules, 规定, and required skills listed in the 14 CFR 39, 43, 65, 91, and 147 to determine if an airframe and airframe systems are airworthy or non-airworthy and make repairs to a variety of aircraft and aircraft systems.
  • 2 -识别, 解释, and troubleshoot PowerPlant rules, 规定, and required skills listed in the 14 CFR 39, 43, 65, 91, and 147 to determine if an engine, 发动机系统 and propeller is airworthy or non-airworthy and make repairs to a variety of engines, 发动机系统, 和螺旋桨.
  • 3 – 坐isfactorily complete all program models and requirements that will prepare them to take the FAA General, 机身, and PowerPlant examinations.

COA’s program curriculum is approved by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) under 14 CFR第147部分, which governs aviation maintenance schools and describes the approval process.


Entry-level mechanic employment opportunities include air carriers, 制造商, 修理站, fixed-base operators, flight schools and government aviation operations.

Occupational Outlook Handbook

Curriculum Guides

Associate in Aviation Systems Technology Curriculum Guide (PDF)

机身 Maintenance Diploma Curriculum Guide (PDF)

Powerplant Maintenance Diploma Curriculum Guide (PDF)

信贷 for previous training can be applied to this program. 联系 Instructor/Program Coordinator below for details.